[Decanato] [FCEyN] Conferencia: What is chemistry?

Secretaria Academica academica at de.fcen.uba.ar
Thu Mar 8 11:28:20 ART 2012

 Informamos a todos los interesados acerca de la conferencia titulada "What
is chemistry?", que dictará el Profesor Klaus Ruthenberg (Faculty of
Science, Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Alemania).

La conferencia se dictará el martes 13 de marzo en el Aula de Seminarios
del Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Analítica y Química Física (Tercer
piso, Pab. 2), a las 17:30 hs.

 A continuación se incluye un breve resumen de la conferencia:

 We will follow the main question of the present lecture from different
perspectives. The first perspective is to consider the definitions
chemists give their own discipline. These definitions, like all scientific
notions and concepts, underlie historical changes. Those changes -as well
as what remains unchanged- will be presented, discussed, and correlations
between definitions and general concepts will be explored. The second
perspective refers to the notion of stuff. Undoubtedly this notion is a
central one in the chemical sciences. We will draw a short but wide
historical bow from the ideas of the pre-Socratics (four-element-theory)
to modern quantum chemistry (orbitals). As central example we will use
water. The final point of our discussion will take into account the
question why chemistry as a huge and very successful scientific and
industrial enterprise has been neglected by the philosophy of science.
Some possible attempts of explanation will be collected and analyzed.

 Cordiales saludos,

 Secretaría Académica
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Universidad de Buenos Aires

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